Banking Industry Recruitment
Hello friends,
Like many other articles shared before, I always start with a common question of many young people: “Can I take the BIDV, Vietcombank exam or not”; Or something like “What bank can I take with my level of education?”
Of course, I can encourage you in a very common way, that is: “Just try it, keep it up, you may be able to do it again"; "I'm such a coward, if other guys can do it, I should be able to do it too?"

Of course, of course, you will hear a lot from many people - who are said to be more experienced & ready to guide you.
The point here, we're not talking about right or wrong orientation. However, in the immediate blurs about "Suitability", about "I don't know if I am eligible", let's go into the analysis together to turn the dark horizon ahead.
Originally, I am not a person working at all banks in Vietnam, so I would like to judge based on my own perspective. Whether it's right or wrong, whether it suits this person or not, please allow me to give a perspective to "orient" those children, seniors please forgive!
Yes, there are many banks, a lot of them, before they were full, now they are smaller.
That's why you sometimes hear "Bank A merged with Bank B"; Bank C overtakes Bank D; Bank E was acquired for 0 dong.
Swirling around! However, the above Macro stories, I will mention at the end. Honestly, like it or not, you need to know; know a lot to make wise choices.
Currently, there are more than 100 banks in Vietnam, divided into the following categories:
- State Commercial Bank (also known as State Commercial Bank): There are 4 big guys, or people call it Big4, including: Agribank; BIDV; Vietcombank & Vietinbank. However, it is not enough to say that there are only these 4 men; now just joined 3 more men, doing so poorly, the Central Bank bought all the shares for 0 dong, including 3 more men: Oceanbank; GPBank; CBBank.
=> Thus, there are currently 07 State Commercial Banks. Among these 7 men, there are 4 state banks with 100% capital, these banks are called one-member limited liability banks, including: Agribank & 3 newcomers. Particularly, BIDV, Vietcombank, and Vietinbank are all joint-stock commercial banks, but the State Bank accounts for the dominant capital >= 51%.
- Joint Stock Commercial Bank: There are 28 joint stock commercial banks in the country, including 1 lot and 1 block described by the Central Bank at its website: Joint Stock Commercial Bank
=> If you open the file, in which there are 31 banks, then remove the last 3 banks, BIDV, Vietcombank and Vietinbank, which are classified as state-owned commercial banks.
- Joint Venture Bank: There are 2 banks: Indovina Bank Limited (a joint venture of Vietinbank & and Cathay United Bank (Cathay United Bank – CUB) of Taiwan); Vietnam - Russia Bank (VRB) - a joint venture between BIDV and Russian Foreign Trade Bank Vneshtorgbank.
=> If you have heard of Viet Thai Joint Venture Bank (closed) and Lao Viet (based only in Laos), then you know its fate.
- 100% foreign owned bank in Vietnam: Updated to 24.07.2017, there are currently 08 banks including: ANZ Vietnam (Australia); Standard Chartered Bank (UK); HSBC (UK); Shinhanbank (Korea); Wooribank (Korea); CIMBank (Malaysia); Hongleong Bank (Malaysia); Public Bank Perhard (Malaysia).
=> Overview, besides big countries like Australia or UK; Vietnam's banking market is attracting a lot of attention from partners from Korea; Japan and other ASEAN countries. That is why, a few days ago, United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB) of Singapore was licensed to operate as a 100% foreign owned bank.
=> And suddenly, many foreign banks enter -> Many opportunities? Body how?
- Branches of foreign banks in Vietnam: Oh, there are many, there are dozens of branches and representative offices, such as: Citibank (it's so big, it's not eligible for legal entities in Vietnam); Mizuho; Sumitomo, Ajinomoto (Have fun J)….
The above 5 types of banks are commercial banks, besides there are several groups such as:
- The State Bank for Policy includes: Bank for Social Policies & Vietnam Development Bank VDB.
- The system of People's Credit Funds in the provinces/cities. Managing the QTD system is the Co-op Bank, be careful not to mistake it for Co-op Mart and break your mouth.
Or they call it "Recruiting Season".
This season has recently been very humid, not as regulated as before.
But anyway, also temporarily in the year it has 2 main cases:
- Spring-Summer crop: Lasts from Tet, that is, from April to the end of July. This is the MAIN crop of the year, with mainly 2 subjects:
+ The comrades graduated early, got their degrees before Tet, skimmed this pile when they went to Tet (Just call it funny, don't be angry). Usually we work hard, study well, graduate early and take advantage of opportunities early => Banks like a team of talented people like this.
+ Comrades who graduated in June and July: Strengths are many, many options.
- Autumn-Winter crop: It's called Autumn-Winter, but it's also humid; usually focus on October - November. In the 2 years of 2015 & 2016, interestingly, many big banks organize recruitment CENTER during this time, for example:
+ Recruitment of Agribank 2016 with 969 targets: Agribank - [EXCELLENT] Agribank recruited 969 employees across the SYSTEM in 2016 [01.11-05.11.2016]
+ Recruitment of Agribank 2015 with 823 targets: Agribank - [Very HOT] Agribank announces the recruitment of 823 employees in many positions (Credit, Accounting, GDV, International Communication ..)
+ Recruitment of Vietcombank in 2016 with 189 targets: VCB - [HOT] Vietcombank recruited 189 targets for 54 branches across the system - Last batch of 2016
+ Recruitment of MB 2016 focused on the whole system (December 2016): MB - [HOT] MB concentrated recruitment phase 1 of 2017 throughout the system [December 22, 2016]
(?) So in August, September, there are no banks hiring?
=> Yes, much is different, but it's not called CONCENTRATION. In fact, at present, quite a few banks have abandoned the centralized recruitment form, instead, switching to continuous recruitment campaigns to attract potential candidates. Many banks employ this method or have switched to it, including: MB, Sacombank (Especially Mr. Sacombank recruits all year round, never gets bored, Techcombank, ACB, TPBank, VIB...
What is "taste"? Can I eat it?
To put it simply, this is the recruitment perspective of each place.
Why understand it? What if you don't understand?
Yeah, it's okay if you don't like it, whatever. However, it should be remembered that, in recruiting in the current Banking and Finance market, Banking Employers are being positioned higher than candidates. Understand that you are in need of them, they also need you, but it's okay without you, because there are many better choices than you.
And so, you need to understand "What do they need from you".
1. Group 1: State Commercial Bank Group - Big 4
Talking about this group, everyone said: “You must have money to enter; must be COCC to enter; must be ABC to enter.
This is not wrong, but it is also not true.
Admittedly, all the above negative problems always exist in all environments at all banks, inevitably in BIG4, perhaps, BIG4 belongs to the State sector, so it is often scrutinized.
However, we should understand this point of view: People do business, people need people who can do the job, have the ability and skills. The recruitment of 1 COCC comrade, or money; but have a good level, can do the job => So delicious. However, this number is not much, which means that they have to recruit "The Son of the Poor, but He's Good".
And so, the number that "lost" above accounts for a certain percentage; and there is always a small percentage remaining that is an opportunity for you to fight the battle.
During my time working for a bank in a province outside of Hanoi, when I look at the recruitment views of the Bosses, I always see them choosing: 40% COCC (forced to accept) & 60% public recruitment declare (this team does the job).
In the end, participating in the game is to accept the negative & have to believe that "Opportunities always exist".
If you don't believe it, sorry to take your time and don't continue reading.
a. Recruitment rounds
The most common are the following motifs: (1) CV summary -> (2) Test -> (3) Interview
As for Vietinbank, it has now abandoned the Test exam from 2016 to now, applying 2 rounds of Interview at Head Office & Branch.
b. Criteria recruit
Before analyzing, read for me the Recruitment request at Vietcombank: Specialist-Customer Specialist - Branch (Customer Specialist - Branch) - Recruitment - VCB.
Many brothers and sisters call it "Separate" so, put group 1, group 2.
Oh but they like it, if you don't like it, don't submit it
Accordingly, there are a few points to pay attention to:
- If you want to work in big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang: Priority is given to graduate degrees from major universities such as National Economics University, Hanoi Foreign Trade University, Banking Academy, Finance University; University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City; Banking University..; In some cases, only female candidates with good degrees are recruited.
- Not accepting/Very limited (Rare) diplomas related to Communication, In-service, Distance training.
- For Agribank, they manage the whole training major. For example, majoring in Economics and Investment - National University of Economics and Business, is a major with very high entry points, but Agribank refused to accept applications in 2016. How this year, flexible or not, must be considered.
c. How to apply?
- If recruitment is concentrated: Submit online application similar to other joint stock commercial banks.
- If recruiting individually from branches: Apply directly, prepare hard copy documents to submit.
Previously, these payments were messy, but now banks have improved in the direction of Onlineization.
However, for Mr. Agribank alone, in 2016 it was still applied to apply directly to the unit, the procedures were complicated and the feed back was quite negative. Multi-dimensional perspective, listen to know, must have said yourself.
d. Exam Test
Congratulations, if you give up Vietinbank and don't take the exam, the remaining 3 banks are the 3 banks with the most difficult exam questions in Vietnam.
According to a lot of feedback, their exam questions were compiled by Lecturers HVNH. Which is called the level of the university lecturer compiled, then you understand the academic level by yourself.
The exam is relatively sweet, like taking the final exam at the University. Perhaps it will be suitable for those of you who have studied computational subjects such as Enterprise Financial Analysis or Project Management ...
Particularly for Vietcombank, the English test is in a terrible form, candidates with a TOEIC level of about 700 or higher will complete 70%.
Particularly for Agribank, the Test is in the form of a handwritten essay; The remaining banks apply Test on computers.
Basically, the exam is difficult, but not impossible. In the following articles, I will analyze this problem.
If you need to know in advance, read the article I wrote about how to review the latest Vietcombank exam in 2017, pay attention to read all 3 parts: HOT - Vietcombank 2017 Exam Syllabus (P3) - Professional Knowledge System
e. Interview
- Interviewing Council: The common ground is Old, difficult, the degree of openness to candidates is not much, it is easy to "get" questions about the profession (This is an overview, depending on the council)
- Content of the question: The age and personality of the Council greatly affect the nature of the interview questions. In general, the content of the question is quite "sweet", more professional. Particularly for BIDV, this is the only bank in Vietnam that is currently interviewing in the form of a university exam. Accordingly, interview candidates draw 3 baskets of questions about Professionalism; Social understanding & Situational skills. On a beautiful day, you will encounter questions like "Another name for Hoang Le Nhat Thong Chi's work.." or "Describe the emotional relationship between CR7 and Messi10" (Fun ti ^ ^ ^)
- Promotion opportunities: I will analyze in the following article. However, the working environment is also a big question mark? (The more old girls there are, the more boring and complicated… – personal opinion)
=> However, it must be said again and again, Big 4 has made a lot of efforts in the past time to show a much more youthful appearance. Please allow time to answer.
2. Group 2: Large Joint Stock Commercial Bank Group: There are 4 of these men ranked in the upper tray, including: MBBank, Sacombank, ACB, Techcombank.
These are 4 banks with similar development scale, similar business taste, so the perspective on recruiting personnel is the same.
a. Recruitment process
- Like Big4
b. Criteria recruit
- Irrespective of group 1, group 2 like Big4, but Preference is given to candidates with diplomas from major universities mentioned above.
- For candidates graduating from other universities such as: Trade, Trade Union.., or private schools; This bank group still gives the opportunity if the candidate can fully demonstrate 3 factors: 1/ Beautiful face; 2/ Good body (It means good looks); 3/ Having relevant working experience (eg, for GDV entrance exam, you must have worked in Consulting, Sales or Accounting). If you don't have work experience, you will compensate with Club, union, and social activities. None of the above 3, to be honest, I agree!
c. Exam Test
- 100% multiple choice exam, including 5 parts: IQ, EQ, General knowledge (microeconomics, macro), English, social knowledge & related business.
- With English, you only need about 450 TOEIC to pass, not difficult.
- Test questions at JSCBs are often repetitive. That is, 2017 exam, completely take the question of 2016; MB exam, completely take the question of Techcombank. In a nutshell, the Joint Stock Commercial Bank group does not evaluate candidates by completing the test, so the content of the exam is quite simple, working hard about 1 week before the exam is fine.
Details will be provided in the following articles.
d. Interview
- Interview panel: Young, mostly 8x, maybe a little late 7x. Open communication, relatively open questions, plenty of land to slash and slash!
- Question content: As mentioned, this group's recruitment perspective does not focus on Professional questions, because they evaluate the candidate's People & Attitudes through direct contact. However, it does not mean that Professionals do not care. Asking about the profession, or about the skills depends on the candidate's attitude. Candidates who are wise, know what will be the group of questions about Skills; Any candidate who doesn't know someone who knows me, ok I'm fine, Have a good job.
=> However, in general, open-ended questions are common, not as rigorous as BIG4.
- Opportunities for promotion: More open than state commercial banks, but still have acting land. However, because it's a big NH, I sometimes encounter the scene "The seats are few, the ass is more"..
=> Basically, when these banks recruit, students or newcomers are often attracted (the "herd" mindset will be discussed later)
3. Group 3: Medium & small joint stock commercial banks: TPBank, VPBank, SHB, VIB, LienVietPostBank
And small commercial banks: NCB, An Binh, Bac A..
Many of you say that VPBank is small, because it is clear that VPB's 2016 profit is the highest among the joint stock commercial banks.
However, the Average rating here is based on the writer's point of view, based on the historical factors, the long-term recruitment taste of each banking group. Please stand tight on the words, please think a little bit.
a. Recruitment process
- Same as above
b. Criteria recruit
If you:
- Graduated from universities that are not in the prestigious group above
- Graduated from In-service, Private, Remote..
- Can't take the 2 groups of Banks above
Then consider group 3, but remember to consider, because you may not be eligible for them.
Don't think this group bank is "fake". The whole bank is good, but temporarily from the point of view of the writer.
With Degree: These banks are usually not too important, just ensure a University degree, even accept College, any school is fine. As long as the candidate has: "delicious face, good figure, love for the job, mouth-to-mouth.."
Obviously, undeniably, for any position, the Bank always requires candidates in basic factors such as: Appearance, Communication skills, Attitude. Perhaps, in specific positions, the level of evaluation of each criterion is different.
c. Exam Test
- Like a big commercial joint stock bank
d. Interview
- Interview panel: Like a large commercial joint stock bank
- Content of the question: Prioritize communication skills and handling situations, do not ask deeply about the profession
- Opportunity for promotion: The opportunity is quite good, as long as you can + show your ability. Basically, banks of this type tend to "draw" a lot of positions that sound very majestic (For example: Director of Corporate Banking; Director of Retail ... but if compared, it may be just equal to the position of the position. Deputy/Head of Department at big banks - it's okay) should go to these banks to get great titles soon, OK.
4. Group 4: Banking Group 0VND
This is a special group of Banks.
In terms of crowd psychology, very few people choose it, because it's "fake", because its "chairman" is being arrested, because of my friends, it makes a big bank, I make this bank laugh. nose…
That is opinion, and there is no right or wrong, only personal choice.
Personally, I think that where few guys want it, it's my chance.
If you:
- Want to challenge your bravery in a difficult environment. If you're happy to do well, say whatever, when it's hard to do well, you'll be good (exaggerated ^^)
- Self-assessment of own capacity and competitiveness is not high with the above 3 groups of banks
Then this group is an opportunity./
But, that doesn't mean, well, it's "sloppy" so it suits me. Such an opinion is completely wrong.
The problem here is to choose where they are willing to accept themselves. That means, if you want to enter the Bank, when you look around you with nothing more than people, you must have at least "Attitude", and show them your desire, the opportunity will be for you.
In contrast, with the way we are here, thinking: It is small, it is having difficulty, so it needs me. Please let's go out, go straight and go out of sight ^^
5. Group 5: Group of foreign banks (100% foreign capital or foreign branches)
This is a new group of banks. Traditionally, it is not as good as domestic banks.
In terms of all Qualifications factors, this group is not interested, especially for Trading or Sales positions. Professional positions are not said, every bank needs it.
This group has some great strengths to attract candidates:
- A group of foreign banks. In the banking market, the domestic group has an advantage because of its tradition, but in the long run, when the number of foreign banks increases according to the trend of integration, combining with the "foreign students" mentality of their own people. The demand for applicants will increase.
- Open environment. Must say is very open, very fair. Well done, ok done. Don't do well, ok quit. Fair, clear, no need for messy relationships. Everything boils down to numbers, money and efficiency. That is a big advantage.
- Recruitment conditions: Open to the positions of Transaction, sales, regardless of degree.
- Transparency promotion opportunities: In terms of the "Title", the foreign banks and group 3 banks both use quite "awesome" titles. However, as analyzed, it is not difficult to work for 1-2 years to increase to a higher level. While the same period in the above banks is not easy, especially in group 1 and group 2.
- Having an environment to practice English ability, especially to interact and report to foreign bosses. This is something not many domestic banks have. Understood, if you work in positions that simply do not use English such as Personal Planning, GDV, HTT, Treasury, Consultant..., the TOEIC 990 is also not worth using.
In the long run, this will be the trend, which means that Graduates will choose Environment & Transparency over the choice of Domestic Bank.
It is understandable, instead of joining Big4 to receive a starting salary of 7 years old, I went to a foreign bank to receive a starting salary of 500 USD.
Of course, don't rush to judge what I write, it is true that there are cases of this and that, but do not deny, foreign elements and the desire to study & work in an environment with foreign elements is always a wish. of many people.
Thus, dear friends, in my brief sharing, I have summarized the overall recruitment picture of the Banks.
I don't think there are many articles on the Internet that describe such an overview.
I hope, based on the above factors, you consider for yourself how you will fit into the TYPE OF BANK.
One of the great ailments of many people (myself included) is following the crowd. When I graduated from school, I saw that my friends applied to Vietinbank, I thought "If you can pay it, my dad will also pay it, you're better than my dad.."
However, in fact, I may be "dumb" than my friend ^^. The more people jump into a place, the more I consider it. Where people are less interested, focus on putting files there.
Don't let your honor make you choose a goal that is not suitable for your current ability.
Of course, everyone likes the big bank, it's great, but it's great
But don't be too heavy!
Choose a suitable place to start your Business there!
It is the working environment that is important, not the Bank's prestige and brand!
I will continue to write, in the next posts!
Hope it is useful to you!
Love! ________________ Cre: acidamin