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Adsense The Number Of Ads You Can Display Is Limited - How To Solve It

Updated: Oct 3, 2021

“The number of ads you can show is limited. Please visit the Policy Center for information.” If you encounter this message placed in your AdSense account, it's a warning for you.

If Google finds any invalid clicks or any other issues, they may take further enforcement action or your account may be permanently disabled. It is your responsibility to keep your site in compliance with the AdSense Program Policies.

Số lượng quảng cáo mà bạn có thể hiển thị đã bị giới hạn. Vui lòng truy cập vào Trung tâm chính sách để biết thông tin

The ad serving limit has been a common sticking point among AdSense publishers in recent months. Invalid traffic has been a major theme for Google throughout 2020, and there has been an increase in enforcement action in an effort to protect the digital advertising ecosystem from fraud and ad experience. bad.

Seeing a warning that ad serving has been restricted to your AdSense account is worrisome and can be expensive. Through this guide, we'll help you understand what to do if your AdSense ad serving is limited and how to prevent this from happening in the first place.

Being a publisher gets more complicated. It's no surprise that more and more publishers want to focus on content and traffic and let others take care of issues like GDPR, Policy, Yield Management, and Optimization. If you want to get back to growing your business and leaving the advertising professionals a headache.

What is an ad serving limit?

Ad serving limits are account-level enforcement measures that limit the number of ads your AdSense account can show. Limited ad serving directly affects publisher earnings because fewer ads are shown to users, which means fewer clicks and less revenue.

The enforcement action usually lasts about 30 days temporarily, but this can be longer in certain cases. There are generally two reasons why Google might set an ad serving limit on an AdSense account, and the reason that applies to you will be shown in the "problem" along with the account status message:

Account being evaluated: Google is monitoring your traffic profile to assess the quality of your website traffic and detect any invalid activity.

Adsense Tài khoản đang được đánh giá

Invalid Traffic Concerns: Google has found that invalid traffic concerns may artificially increase publisher earnings and advertiser costs.

The two issues are closely related with “Invalid Traffic Concerns” being the more serious of the two. Both will result in a large percentage of AdSense/AdMob impressions not being taken by Google, which can have a very serious impact on revenue.

Why does Google limit ad serving?

Ad Serving Limits are used by Google to limit the impact of invalid traffic while it “investigates” a potential problem with some inventory. Similar to the dreaded click confirmation (aka double-click penalty), this is a tactic that allows them to protect advertisers from an issue while determining if there is indeed a problem. is a matter of concern or not. While ad serving is limited, the AdSense tags will still be called, allowing Google to analyze any request. Fewer requests will result in filled impressions (page ads), which means much lower revenue.

This appears to be an automatic process. This "investigation" isn't about Google manually reviewing your account's performance, but simply your traffic getting more attention from Google's automated systems.

Limiting ad serving is just one of the tools Google uses to combat Invalid Traffic on its network. Invalid Traffic (or IVT) is a general term for traffic within the advertising ecosystem that is not of genuine human interest. It includes bots, accidental clicks, click fraud, and incentivized traffic. Advertisers get no value from this traffic and reduce spend where it comes in, so reducing IVT is in everyone's long-term interest - even if the methods used may very difficult in the short term.

Will limited ad serving affect AdSense and Ad Exchange?

At the time of writing, we only know that ad serving is limited in this way with AdSense, and not with Google's Ad Exchange premium monetization solution. This could simply mean that the system hasn't been added to Ad Exchange, but it's also possible that the system will never be seen on the Ad Exchange account. There are more AdSense accounts than there are on Google Ad Exchange. This means that AdSense tends to use more automated and machine learning systems so they can provide support at the scale that AdSense requires. Publishers with Ad Exchange accounts are more likely to receive calls from their Google representatives if there are concerns about traffic quality, while AdSense relies more on automated processes for control. quality.

What to do if your AdSense ad serving is restricted

After being restricted from serving ads, most publishers simply wait for the limit to be lifted. Whatever publishers do, they will be limited to serving their ads until Google is satisfied that Google has analyzed enough data and is confident that there is no problem. Disappointingly, this means that removing AdSense (for serving alternative ads, for example) could mean the limit will stay in place for longer while Google crawls. For this reason, we don't recommend removing the AdSense tags.

What publishers can do is maximize their chances of having the test done resulting in a clean for their account. While it can be difficult to diagnose problems when you can't see the ads being served, you can still review your site and account to resolve issues that may be driving traffic. Invalid:

  • Check Your Traffic Sources: Are you confident that you don't get significant traffic that isn't from people who are genuinely interested in your content? If not, disable blocking any possible source of the problem

  • Check ad placement: Accidental clicks are a common source of invalid traffic. That is, you get enough space between your ad and other clickable elements on all popular device types. Check that the navigation isn't overlaid with ads and that the placements won't encourage clicks (such as line up with images or near next buttons). Consider whether the way you insert ads can cause problematic placements (this includes "Auto ads" as well as ad insertion plugins). When in doubt, ad space.

  • Check the policy center: Many publishers don't realize that invalid traffic can include ads served outside of what the policy allows. The AdSense Policy Center can include many clues as to where Google has a problem with serving your ads. Work through flagged points and fix them.

Should I delete all my ad units and recreate them?

We've seen other sites advise publishers to remove all of their AdSense ad units from their accounts, remove the code from the page, and recreate the units. These sites report that the limited ad serving problem then resolves on its own within a few weeks.

This is not the route we are currently recommending. Where we've seen this method in use, it's unclear whether the issue was resolved due to the changes or will be resolved at the same time. While it's not clear if it works, it could theoretically work by interfering with Google's internal reporting rather than addressing the cause or allowing Google time to trust. into this position. So that seems unlikely, as the limited ad serving problem is likely to recur more often.

Some reasons your adsense account is limited to showing ads

01: Check your Cloudflare:

I don't use Cloudflare to host my website on CDN, If you are using Cloudflare or any CDN then check how often Cloudflare fetches your site.

Cloudflare looks for website changes and threats, so adjust Cloudflare's frequency.

The image below is for my sub site

Kiểm tra Cloudflare của bạn:

02: Restrict performance related sites:

If you are using sites like tools.pingdom/GTmetrix to check how much faster your site loads. There's nothing wrong with testing your site's speed, but don't do it often. Always try to use Google's Page Speed tool to avoid problems.

Hạn chế các trang web liên quan đến hiệu suất:

03: Practice pages on your website:

Check if your website(s) contains any practice pages e.g. My site is related to programming and automation testing. So I have provided several sites where people use automation tools to perform some task.

If your site contains practice pages then make sure that the Google Analytics and Google Adsense code is not placed on those pages.

Các trang thực hành trên trang web của bạn:

04: Invalid traffic (analytical test):

Check your Google analytics to see if you are getting any users/bots visiting your site. Sometimes spammers can damage your website using bots.

Lưu lượng truy cập không hợp lệ (kiểm tra phân tích):

05: Buy traffic:

There is also another type of spam such as "traffic buying site owners". If you have purchased traffic from spam sites then you may receive a Warning.

You might have thought about improving your website ranking while buying traffic but most of the time it doesn't help improve rankings.

There's a lot of confusion around AdSense and AdX and paid traffic, but it's actually pretty simple. There's nothing wrong with buying traffic for your website, but that traffic should be genuine.

Real traffic doesn't just mean users. Those users must visit your website with a real intent. Cheaper traffic often comes from users who are tricked into visiting (pop-ups, toolbars, redirects, etc.) or encouraged to do so (paying to browse bots, etc.). Both can be big problems.

Other things to keep in mind are companies that are effectively managing resellers, buying their traffic from one site and selling it to another. Because origin has a strong incentive to send low-quality traffic, that will go through the system and eventually affect your account. Content recommendation services may be susceptible to this. Even the most famous ones as they run large networks and don't have a big incentive to enforce traffic quality.

Traffic purchased directly from top sources like Google Ads, Facebook and popular content sites is generally safe, but you should introduce an additional traffic quality system if you buy from Other souces.

06: Individual clicks:

I hope you won't click ads on your site if you're trying then stop doing it.

07: From your competition:

One can use performance tools to create virtual users which can also cause this kind of problem as these will be considered bots.

How can publishers prevent restricted ad serving?

Here's how to warn "The number of ads you can show has been limited. Please visit the Policy Center for information." appear in your Google AdSense account.

As publishers, we are responsible for ensuring the quality of the traffic we send to our advertising partners. Not only does this keep our account in good standing, it also helps ensure high bids and good long-term revenue. In practice, that can be difficult. Publishers don't have the same visibility into traffic quality as partners like Google. However, there are steps we can take to prevent traffic quality issues:

Here are the important recommendations and tips that you must follow to get rid of the Limit Ads warning:

01. Turn off ads in your browser settings

  • The first and foremost thing you have to do is turn OFF ads from your browser settings. Never click and view ads on your website. One of the important sources of invalid traffic is your own clicks and impressions on the ads on your website. Remember that your IP Address is monitored by Google AdSense.

  • We recommend that you open your website on Mozilla Firefox by turning off its history and ads. After doing that, you can open your website as many times as you want. If you want a preview of what your Google Ads will look like, you can open your site in some other browsers, but not open it again and again.

02. Wait with patience

  • Do not panic and dismay, wait patiently. It takes 10 to 14 days for AdSense to review your site, sometimes up to a month. In most cases, Google AdSense doesn't notify you by email and pops ads on your site and you start earning again.

  • To check if Google AdSense has enabled ads, check your Google AdSense account regularly. Normally your ads are enabled and you start earning, but you still get the Limit of Ads warning in Google AdSense, DON'T Excuse me, it will also be removed within 2 or 3 days .

  • Usually people think about deleting their posts by assuming they could be the cause of the invalid traffic warning. You must read the Google Publisher Policies & AdSense Program Policies before deleting a post. Instead, thoroughly search your blog posts and check if you are using sensitive keywords, as mentioned in the policies above. You can manually remove such keywords from your blog posts.

03. Consistency and create content for users

  • If Google AdSense puts a limit on your ads, don't stop publishing the posts. Be consistent and publish posts regularly and strive to publish unique and original content by reviewing the Google Publisher Policy.

  • Always focus on creating content for users, not for search engines. Original and user-oriented content makes your monetization sustainable and also increases your blog traffic.

  • Ask yourself, does your content differentiate your blog from other similar blogs? Does your blog provide content to users who are visiting your blog?

  • While writing reviews of affiliate products and services, bloggers copy most of the content from the company website or the company product pages. Always remember that copied content is of no importance to Google and users. Always write genuine reviews. If you have no knowledge of a topic, then don't write.

04. Avoid cooperation with low-quality affiliates

  • Avoid partnering with low-quality affiliate programs and networks, some of which send traffic back to your site.

  • Always join quality affiliate programs or offered through quality networks like Impact Radius, CJ Affiliate, Shareasale, Amazon Associates, Ebay Partner Network, Clickbank, Fiverr, Payoneer, Kinsta, Envato Market, Partnerize, Rakuten LinkShare , etc

05. Protect your pages from Spam & Harmful Comments

  • Make sure your commenting system is secure and doesn't allow spam comments. Protect your comment system from spam through Captcha checking. Constantly check your comments and remove spam/promotional/inappropriate comments.

  • Don't post controversial blog posts that cause people to write inappropriate comments. Keep an eye on your comments, some people intentionally post inappropriate comments when they can't find the desired solution.

06. Don't tell people to click on your ad

  • Notifying family members, friends, relatives, etc. visiting your site and clicking on ads is unethical, prohibited, and violates the Google AdSense Program Policies. Some people encourage website visitors by using labels or phrases like "click on the ad", "support us", "visit these links", etc. These tactics count towards invalid traffic.

07. Social network sharing

  • To bring in traffic and generate sales, some people share their blog posts over and over on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, forums, etc. Avoid unnecessary sharing or repeating your blog posts on social media platforms, only share when you create articles or posts.

08. Banners on social networks

  • People often create banners for their Twitter and Facebook accounts to promote their website, where they mention the website's URL. Avoid adding your website URL on social media banners, they can be the cause of warnings!

09. Protect your computer and Gmail from hacking

  • Avoid installing software and apps from unknown publishers because if you install them, hackers can secretly gain access to your computer and Gmail through rootkits.

10. Fill in "Manage Tax Information" in AdSense

  • Everyone (U.S. Citizen or Non-U.S. Citizen) is required to submit tax documentation in connection with any business, investment, or receipt of payment from the United States. So that's why US based affiliate programs like Amazon, Impact Radius, LinkShare, CJ Affiliate, Upwork, Fiverr, Google AdSense, etc., ask you to submit your Tax Information.

  • The W-8BEN form is required by non-U.S. citizens, i.e. investors, freelancers, affiliate marketers, etc., who receive certain types of income /payment from the United States. After you submit Form W-8BEN, AdSense will not withhold any taxes from your earnings.

11. Ad Placement Policy

  • Please read the Google AdSense Ad Placement Policy which gives you detailed information on the points below.

  • Avoid accidental clicks

  • Unusual attention to advertising

  • Place ads under misleading titles

  • Align the image with the ad

  • Site layout that pushes content below the fold

  • Format content to mimic ads

  • Gap between ads and flash games

  • Ads on dynamic content

  • Claim compensation

  • Email advertising and more...

12. Don't place too many ads

  • Do not place too many ad units on your site. We recommend adding up to 4 ad units on the Home page and 3 ad units on the Section Page. If you place the ad units on the Sidebar giving them a good amount of space, then 150 px will be a good distance between the two ad units.

13. Focus on organic traffic

  • Some experts suggest that there must be at least 60% of organic traffic to avoid such warnings. In the simplest terms, organic traffic is traffic coming from search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) to your website. Google AdSense prefers sites with a high percentage of organic traffic to show ads.

14. Avoid copying/pasting content

  • Often, people copy and paste content from other sources and websites, which violates Google's Publisher Content Policies. Copy/Paste may be considered as invalid traffic.

15. Use High CPC Keywords

  • Although there is another niche, some bloggers just to make more money use high CPC keywords like insurance, gas, electricity, loan, mortgage, credit, lawyer, etc., this goes against Google's Publisher Content Policy. For example, you have a blog about WordPress blogging and you write content about car insurance or add high CPC keywords in your articles. It can be considered as invalid traffic.

16. SEO Tools

  • You can use SEO tools like Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Tools, etc., to track keywords, traffic sources, backlinks, top performing pages, links, devices devices, search engines, etc. to get a complete overview of your website traffic, which will help you to monitor and filter your traffic.

17. See Your Ad Distance

  • One of the most common causes of unintentional clicks is the gap between ad units and active elements, such as navigation and buttons. This is especially a problem on mobile devices where finger accuracy is a lot worse than that of a mouse pointer. Inadvertent clicks result in publishers paying for low-quality traffic as advertisers lower their bids. Common examples of this are extended navigation across ads and ad units close to buttons and navigation.

18. Do not allow advertising to be confused with content

  • Another common cause of unintentional clicks is when the ad is formatted to look like content. If a user clicks on an ad that they believe is content, they are most likely to click again or close when they end up on an unwanted web page. This would be a clear sign of an unintentional click on Google. This is another situation where publishers are sometimes reluctant to make changes that reduce their short-term revenue, but such issues can cause serious account-level issues.

19. Google Suggestions

Google gives you insights and recommendations on traffic quality, content, AdSense Program Policies, and more. Take a look at these articles and read them carefully:

  • How can you help prevent invalid traffic?

  • AdSense Program Policies

  • Google Publisher Policy


Hopefully these suggestions and tips will help you get rid of the Limit ads warning and improve your site's content and overall performance. Remember there are no shortcuts, follow all of the top methods Google recommends for publishers to make your site's income sustainable.

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