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5 Ways to Lower Your Baby's or Toddler's Fever

I wanted to share these ways to bring down your baby's fever because I know how scary it can be when you don't know how to help your child. When our kids aren't feeling well, we want to do everything we can to make them feel better.

I wanted to share these ways to bring down your baby's fever because I know how scary it can be when you don't know how to help your child. When our kids aren't feeling well, we want to do everything we can to make them feel better.

Do I need to call the doctor about my child having a fever?

If your child has the following symptoms, YOU NEED TO CALL A DOCTOR:

If your baby is less than three months old. If your baby is 3 to 5 months old and has a temperature of 38.3 degrees or higher. If your baby is 6 months old and has a temperature of 38.9 or higher. If the fever is accompanied by other symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, skin discoloration (purple/blue), or has a fever for several days in a row.

If I don't fall into one of those categories, I usually try to handle it at home. As soon as I felt our babies start to heat up, I took my thermometer. I used to guess, but my mom is a nurse and she always reminds me that doctors will ask for the exact number so I try to take their temperature as soon as I'm concerned.

How do I get an accurate reading?

If your baby or toddler, check their temperature with a rectal thermometer. I know - no one likes this, but your doctor will be grateful you got the most accurate reading.

What can I do to reduce a fever?

When your child is too young to take liquid medicine (or if they don't), it's important to have some alternatives.

NOTE:  I am not a doctor, so be sure to check with your doctor if your child has a fever.

5 ways to reduce fever

1. Use rectal suppositories if your baby is over 6 months old

If your baby doesn't take the medicine, the suppository will work. Acetaminophen is one of the over-the-counter medications recommended by healthcare professionals.

2. A warm bath is helpful.

The water will evaporate from her skin and cool her don (lowering her temperature). Don't use cold water, as you don't want them to get cold or shiver (which causes their temperature to rise). Don't use hot water. Get it right now When the warm water starts to evaporate from the baby's skin, it cools the body and lowers the temperature.

3. Offer frozen treats and extra liquids.

You are cooling your body from the inside out. Our kids love popsicles when they're sick. Ice cream is great Even yogurt is a good solution if your baby is going to eat it. I want to give our kids the frozen yogurt that I make.

4. I know your child will be cold, but do not overdress.

Keep them in casual clothes for that season. I will hug him to keep him warm.

You may also want to use a fan. Do not blow directly at your child, but keep it in the room to prevent the room from getting stuffy or hot. You don't want your child to be hot or cold.

5. Give your child lots of hugs

Hug them, hug them, hug them. When our first son was just an infant, I read that a mother's touch has the same effect as medicine. So just kick your baby, sing to your baby, pat your baby's head. Do all the things that come very naturally to us. Babies don't hold, so try to be there for your baby while you can

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